Quality starts in head!
As a partner to large-scale industry, we look about a high level of quality responsibility daily. ULTRA products fulfil the highest quality standards. The areas of conception, construction and production are closely together linked. Many years of experience, the most modern production techniques and test procedures based on international quality standards as well as qualified specialists form the foundation of our quality management.
Certification DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015>
Quality - Made by ULTRA
Our quality management system for the manufacture and sale of measuring tools, gauges, devices and precision parts complies with the strict regulations of DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015.
The base of our quality assurance is the PDCA cycle, which goes back to William Edwards Deming, a pioneer in the field of quality management. According to Deming, the constant improvement of the quality-determining factors should be developed through the four-phase model of the PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act).
Only quality is reliable and endures. We live quality in order to sustainably guarantee and continuously increase customer satisfaction.
We continuously improve the quality-determining processes through planning, implementation, control and correction. This guarantees a consistently high quality standard for our products.